General Info

All participating colleges in The Garfield Weston Merit Scholarship for Colleges awards program are public community colleges and cégeps with eligible programs located in Canada. Each participating college signs an agreement stating that they will waive tuition for up to three years for each National Scholar attending, as well as appoint a representative who provides support to the scholars and liaises with our office.

As the first national merit scholarship for college students, The Garfield Weston Merit Scholarship for Colleges awards program is much welcomed as a means of recognizing the talented students in this country who choose technical, trades and other applied programs in colleges.

If your college is interested in joining our consortium, please contact:

Natasha Sawh
Director of Programs and Operations
The Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation

Toll-free: 1-866-544-2673 x224
Phone: 416-646-2120 x224